FW: an apparent error

Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM kd4efm1 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 27 08:27:16 PDT 2009


this is email for Google's Homepage showing it's respect to
Mr. Samuel Morse's Birthday today (April 27th).

For others who have been in Ham Radio far longer then me,
and have forgotten what CW is, Google, in their neat artistical
ways, has taken their "commercial logo art" and using
hyphens and periods, created the word G O O G L E in a artistical
rendition to what Mr. Samuel Morse created for the WHOLE WORLD
to use.

Those who have not looked into this any further, clicking
on the GOOGLE MORSE CODE STICKER, it will take you to the search
results as if you were to simply type in Samuel Morse in the search
box and click enter.

side note:
Google, and it's artistically talented staff, changes it's
COMMERCIAL ART to reflect something meaningful year round,
holidays, events, what ever they dream of. Google "google stickers"
and you will see. Heck they even did a "Snoopy" Banner in honor
of Mr. Schulz too (of course with permission from United Syndicate)
They even had an AMATEUR RADIO banner a while back... Anybody catch
that one?? It was for Marconi's Birthday.

look here to see what you have missed...

Trying to spread cheer and joy within Amateur Radio
on a daily basis!
Chow for now.

Evans F. Mitchell

 Fla. D-Star Tech Support Group

Polk ARES A.E.C.

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