Polk ARES October Activities

af1reman aF1RE at arrl.net
Tue Oct 19 20:41:43 PDT 2010

Hello from Polk County ARES,

Polk County ARES will be active this weekend and next Thursday. Saturday, October 23rd, we will be testing a Near Vertical Incident Skywave propagation antenna attached to an HF station that will be using the digital mode PSK63. EOCs from four counties will participate in the Simulated Emergency Test. Our purpose is to use HF to connect Emergency Operation Centers in the area with a digital mode that can pass email, forms, and written traffic.

For those who want hands on instruction, show up at Polk County EOC at 830am and participate in the NVIS setup and transmission tests. If you want to monitor on HF, tune into 3.570 mHz at 10am using PSK63. The test involves four transmissions that when printed will complete a picture. Lauren Mathews, K9YCG, will be lead in this endeavor and he can be contacted at MathewsL at flash.net. 

On Thursday, October 28rd, the ARES meeting at the Polk County EOC will begin at 6pm. Our training this month is by The American Red Cross and will be a familiarization of Red Cross Shelter Operations. Shelter communications is our primary responsibility and knowing how they function is important. 

Please plan to attend and invite anyone who has an interest in Amateur Radio or public service.

You are welcome to contact me for more information.

Robin Retzloff   AF1RE
Emergency Coordinator Polk County ARES
407-421-8422 cell
863-648-2381 home
2131 Kingswood Ct
Lakeland, FL 33813
AF1RE at ARRL.net

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