First QSO with someone out of state

renkg4bas nmonllor at
Mon Mar 7 21:52:07 PST 2011

Okay folks, 
I tried my new PFR3A tonight after the meeting.
I just had my first, out of state, QSO ever with KB3AZS.
The fellow was ever so patient with me. He must have sent his call like 6 times. I can hear AD4IH laughing. You're right Joe, there's nothing like it!!!
It's all heart raced in overdrive the whole QSO, my mind went completely blank, I couldn't remember jack----, not even my own callsign.
I looked him up on QRZ and the address was very different from what I received... Cincinnati, Ohio is what I copied (twice), I couldn't beleive my ears. I received a 599 and his signal was gang-buster.
I could have sworn he sent Mike as his name, but not according to QRZ.
I'd like to send him a QSL card, but I'm not sure if I can with the info I copied (guys, I was shaking like a leaf). I sure hope he sends me one so I can thank him again....
BTW From my QTH to either address (sent or QRZ's), my signal traveled between 800 and 900 miles from Lakeland, Fl. Not bad for 5 watts eh?

and I guess I'm supposed to try to sleep now,
yeah right,

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