Volunteer Opportunit​y at Sun-n-Fun

af1reman aF1RE at arrl.net
Tue Mar 20 06:18:31 PDT 2012

Polk County Amatuer Radio Operators,

I received this opportunity for Amateur Radio growth in Polk County from Tom Ruhlmann, W9IPR. I hope we can get people to participate in this worthy cause.

Robin Retzloff    AF1RE

Polk County ARES Emergency Coordinator
407-421-8422  cell
863-648-2381  home
af1re at arrl.net

 "The Education Departmentand Florida Air Museum directors at Sun-N-Fun are exploring some very interesting ideas related to creating an amateur radio club, historical communications exhibits at the museum, recruitment of youth to amateur radio through the CAP and Young Eagles groups and operating a station at the Sun-N-Fun fly-in from March 27ththrough April 1st.


They will be operating HFand VHF stations and a CW demonstration as part of the youth workshops at the hanger of the Davis Education Center on the Sun-N-Fun grounds during the event. If there are amateurs that would like to demonstrate SSTV, APRS, digital modes or other aspects of the hobby they would be welcome. This event can be used as a recruitment tool.


If you would like to volunteer to operate the workshop stations during the event or are interested in joining a Florida Air Museum sponsored amateur radio club contact Tom Ruhlmann at 262-844-6331.


After the air show they will be having a follow up meeting on Wednesday, April 4rd, at the Piedmont Hanger of the Davis Education Center at 6PM.. All interested individuals are welcome."


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