QST - November issue

Richard Sharp, KQ4KX kq4kx at arrl.net
Fri Nov 6 17:04:24 PST 2015

I encourage everyone to read the page 74 article in the November issue of
QST titled ARRL Laboratory Handheld Transceiver Testing.


Particularly those that may be considering purchasing any of the cheap
Chinese HT's being marketed to Hams.  Just keep in mind it is the licensed
Ham operator that is responsible for the proper "legal" operation of their
radio(s).  Those that are using these cheap radios may very likely be
transmitting illegal spurious and/or harmonic radiation on NON ham
frequencies - potentially causing harmful interference to other licensed
users (public safety, commercial, & business users) which is a violation of
part 97 rules.   The old adage is true - you get what you pay for.  For
those that are considering one of these radios I would recommend saving up a
bit more $$ and purchase a new or used radio from a reputable manufacturer.


Caveat emptor!


.keep the spurs to a minimum.




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