[LARC-CQ] QRP Event Sunday, Aug. 19

Matthew Stevens matthew at mrstevens.net
Mon Aug 6 06:24:29 PDT 2018

Hey everyone!

Mike Shreve and I have participated in the NJQRP Club Skeeter Hunt for the
last couple of years. It's a fun, 4 hour informal QRP contest, where the
goal is to operate portable with QRP and/or homebrew equipment.

This year Mike and I are planning to operate out at Colt Creek State Park.
The contest starts at 1pm, so we will probably be there a little earlier
than that (12:30 or so) to set up antennas.

We thought maybe some of you would like to join us at the park! Initially
we were just going to operate from our trucks, but if we want to make this
an informal club event, there is a better option. Colt Creek has picnic
pavilions on the west side of Mac Lake, which are $50 to reserve for the

I'll put a basket in the back of the meeting room tonight,* if you're
interested in coming out to participate in a fun QRP event, please consider
dropping a few bucks in the basket to cover the cost of renting the

If we have the pavilion, we can handle as many people as want to come out
for the event. No food or anything will be provided, but you are welcome to
bring a picnic dinner. There is even a grill at the pavilion if you're so

I'll be bringing my 80m end fed with MTR4B and ZM2 tuner, and maybe an
FT-817 as a backup rig. This is a CW and SSB contest, so feel free to bring
whatever (QRP) rig you want, homebrew, kit built, or commercially built.
The more the merrier, either to use on the air or just show off your
building skillz :-)

Here is the link to the contest info page, you can send Larry, W2LJ and
email and he will hook you up with a Skeeter Number! I'm #93, and Mike is
#94... http://www.qsl.net/w2lj/

See you tonight!


- Matthew nj4y
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