[LARC-CQ] Antenna Parts For Sale

Andrew Glasbrenner glasbrenner at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 20 15:45:04 PST 2019

Hi All,


I helped clean up a silent key’s QTH for his estate executor this week. The gentleman built really big antennas, and had lots of material on hand. I have pieces and parts for large HF yagis, lots of 3 or 4 inch boom material and smaller tubing, some partial unidentified HF yagis, a set of what I assume are 20m verticals for a four-square array, a long boom 10m yagi, and several pieces of large hardline. I also have a 5’ chunk of Rohn 45 (I think), a base plate, and a work platform. 


I’ve put together a folder of photos in my dropbox. If you see anything you like, please let me know. It’s all pickup only in Brooksville. What isn’t sold at very reasonable prices will be recycled ASAP. I’d rather see folks use it for antennas again. I’ll even consider trades (no livestock! J ).


The link to the photos is https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c8ze3837en1y6hb/AAAn9ztUhBiCTN6x6r5cBIh0a?dl=0 


There is also a MA5B multiband HF yagi for sale as well.


Please feel free to share this wherever appropriate. If someone would forward to the Florida DX clubs it would be appreciated. Thanks for the bandwidth.


73 and Merry Christmas,

Drew KO4MA

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