TS Fay update From Polk County EM.

Evans F. Mitchell; KD4EFM / AFA2TH / WQFK 894 kd4efm at polkemcomm.org
Mon Aug 18 02:55:47 PDT 2008

Good Morning, I am still planning on holding the Polk County
ARES NET at 10 AM. The following information has been obtained
from Paul. I need to as soon as possible who all will be able
to assist. I will be at work this afternoon from 2 pm till 9 pm,
but will be monitoring conditions when possible.

Again, POLK ARES NET THIS MORNING AT 10 AM and possible full
activation tonight or early Tuesday morning. I need 5 people
to volunteer for a Net control, and Shelter Ops.
I will forward you the necessary stuff for the operation of the Net. 

The need for communicators for the Shelters will be discussed
and a role call will be made for availabilities. SHELTER OPS

As it stands based on this mornings predictions, Polk County
ARES will upgrade it's alert from stand-by to Condition YELLOW,
ACTIVATION PENDING WITHIN 12 HOURS. This condition will be set
this evening when I return home from work, and I have been able
to get a briefing from POLK Emergency Mgmt. and Paul.

Evans Mitchell
Polk County ARES EC


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Womble [mailto:pwomble at tampabay.rr.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 2:11 AM
Cc: lpennington at tampabay.rr.com; paulwomble at polkfl.com
Subject: Fay update

Final decision on school closures will be made this morning around 9am.
Right now plan is for 3 special needs shelters, 1 pet shelter and 8 general
population shelters.  General population and pet open at 8am Tuesday
morning.  Do not release that until made official.  Still subject to change.

Special needs will open at 3pm Monday.  That has already been relased to

We will be moving to the Stuart Center today.  Initial briefing there at

I am having radio shop install dual band antenna there today for voice ops
on 2m and 440.

How many operators are available for assignment?  As of now looks like we
need staffing from Tuesday morning to Wednesday.  

The 3 dual band kits are available for deployment.  

Be sure to cc my work email on reply.


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