charles33813 KI4CRI at ARRL.NET
Tue Mar 20 18:01:48 PDT 2012

Facts to be recognized: 
1.  We have a great bunch of members in the Lakeland Club. 
2.  The club has been quite successful in several endeavors.  Field Day 2011, 
for example. 
3.  In numerous instances our club has dwelled in the 80/20 syndrome that is so common throughout all of mankind's activities.  That is, 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people.  True in most service clubs, churches, you name it. 
4.  Some clubs attain success because more that 20% participate. 
5.  More than 20% participate when they are asked individually to perform a function.  I do not remember saying ever "no" to Ernie, Patrick, Dan, Fred, or any other individual in the club when asked to perform a specific function.  
6.  If you want the club to struggle in a mediocre fashion,  ask for volunteers and get the proverbial 20%.  If you want the club to excel, assign projects to individuals and let the assigned individuals select the workers.  Will careful guidance at least 75% will become participants and no one individual will be overloaded.  Again, the last field day was assigned to Fred. Fred lined up his 
worker ants, oversaw the project and the field day ran smoothly and 
7.  Now of the zinger.  How many times have you not volunteered for projects when a general request was made?  If all the members who yell "Unfair" has volunteered for each and every project there would never be a shortage.  Also they would be labeled "trying to run the club", despised, very tired and would soon in time burn out and leave the club. 
8.  You will not again see this message nor hear anymore on the subject from me. And if general calls for volunteers continue to be made, I will continue to side with the majority, you know, the 80%. 
Yours for the biggest, best, most enjoyable ham club in West Central Florida, 
Charley, KI4CRI 

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