FW: On time for meetings in the ARRL WCF Section

N4ESS n4ess at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Jun 10 13:38:03 PDT 2017

Being on time for meetings has many benefits, especially in the Ham Radio
world.  Arriving early at the club meetings allows you the privilege of
getting some of the fresh coffee.  You can choose from the whole pieces of
brownies or cookies and not the crumbs.  Hams love everything that is free.
Your club may have weekly breakfasts that afford the early bird the best
seating and the first coffee.  You also can be the first to ask, where is
Bob or Bill or anyone else that is usually there but running late.  You do
not run the risk of playful ridicule or the brunt of Ham jokes about being
the last one at the table.  You also do not have to have everyone move over
a bit to accommodate the 11th person at the 10 person table.  The advantages
of being early abound.


Today, 8 June 2017, was the regularly scheduled meeting of EPARS, ( East
Pasco Amateur Radio Society ) in Dade City.  I arrived at the Dade City
police department at 7:25AM to pick up the key to the Naomi Jones Pyracantha
Park recreational building.  The meetings are held in that facility which is
located on the site of a World War II German prisoner of war camp.  ( a bit
of trivia )  Duane, N4WDH, President of EPARS, was at the park when I
arrived at 7:35am to prepare for an 8am meeting.  See, I was on time, ahead
of time.  Not a problem.  The tables were set, the chairs arranged, and the
donuts displayed for all to admire and attack.  See hams like free stuff.
Everyone arrived on time.  After the meeting a group always heads to
Smitty's Restaurant in Dade City for breakfast, but not me today.  I was
going to Wauchula for a luncheon and meeting and wanted to be on time.  I
made sure to announce my absence from the breakfast, again, not wanting to
be late.  


I set out for Wauchula and more specifically Paul's Kitchen.  That was to be
the location of the WCF Section ARES luncheon.  The time was set for 11am
and run to 12:30pm.  After lunch was set to be the WCF Section ARES Meeting
- SUMMER 2017 at the Hardee County EOC in Wauchula.  I was not going to be
late for either one of those, especially lunch, and I was not late.  I got
there early but more on that in a bit.  The radio coverage for that area is
pretty good if you familiarize yourself with the machines that are
available.  The NI4CE group has great coverage and when you get closer to
Wauchula you have the N4EMH machine in Wauchula.  There are others and a
check of the Repeater Book app will give you many to choose from.  I heard
Skip, W1MIV, throw out his call on the N4EMH machine and I came back to him.
He was at the Walmart in Wauchula.  I explained that I was coming into
Wauchula to go to the luncheon and then to the EOC for the WCF Section AREA
meeting.  Any good conversation on a repeater is almost always heard by
others and some never join in.  Luck was with us and Darrell Davis, KT4WX,
the WCF Section Manager, was quick to join in.  Darrell was also quick to
point out that I was indeed ahead of time for the meeting and that he would
not be leaving to attend for another month.  Second Saturday of the month IN
JULY. Hmmmm. this is the second Saturday in June but I didn't arrive late.
It was a couple of minutes before 11am as I pulled into Paul's Kitchen
parking lot.  I was already down here and was not going to pass up a chance
to eat there.  The food in good and reasonably priced.  The portions are big
and if you go away hungry it is your own fault.  I will eat there again as I
really enjoyed the food.  As a matter of fact I am going to eat there on the
8th of July 2017 which is the second Saturday in July.  It is also the day
of the WCF ARES luncheon and the WCF Section ARES meeting.  I believe that
Darrell will be announcing a WCF Section Board meeting for that day also.
More to come on  that so watch the section news at: http://arrlwcf.org/ 


I think that we can all look back on our Ham Radio lives and see a few of
these types of days.  I am getting older and my 52 years in Ham Radio have
left me with more than just a few of these events and they seem to be more
frequent now.  Remember to laugh at the little things as they will surely
occur sooner or later.  Also, if you are not a member of a club here in WCF
Section then consider at least visiting a few, join in a morning coffee
group, and enjoy the conversation.  There are some very interesting people
in Ham Radio that you should take the time to meet.  You may be the one that
everyone else is wanting to meet.  Support the ARRL WCF Section and remember
to check the section news at http://arrlwcf.org  . 




Rich Kennedy - N4ESS

ARRL WCF Section

Affiliated Clubs Coordinator

Public Information Coordinator


Email: n4ess at tampabay.rr.com


Cell: 813-240-5614





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