Tampa Bay Ham Fest......LARC Table.

robertd654 at yahoo.com robertd654 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 28 11:02:57 PST 2017

One week from Friday ( December 8th ) is the start of the Tampa Bay Ham Fest at the Expo Hall of the Strawberry Festival Grounds in Plant City. As in the past LARC will have a table to answer questions about our club and ham radio in general. 

 The event is open from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Friday and from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturday.

 We are looking for volunteers to be at our table for an hour or so at a time. If you are attending this event could you please email me to let me know what time ( or times ) you would be willing to be at the LARC table. 

 As always I appreciate your help. Without our volunteers we would not be able to carry out our mission of community and club service throughout the year! 

 Please respond here or email me at km4bao at yahoo.com

 Thank you in advance.


 Bob Doherty
 Vice President



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